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The Infodrama English Teathre Club

„The Infodrama English Theatre Club has its origin in 2001 and has been coordinated by Cătălina Stoica, teacher of English and drama trainer, gaining many important prizes on various occasions along the years. The students that attend this club belong to both age groups: primary and secondary.

The usual activities consist of improvisation workshops, contests, performances at festivities, festivals etc. The main event that they organise and attend is the National Speak Out Competition and various festivities. We are inviting everyone interested to participate! You won’t regret it!”

„Hello, dear readers! We are five girls from the drama club who love acting and travelling for competitions. Obreja Naomi, This year, together with our lovely teacher and guide Stoica Catalina, we went to participate in an acting competition in Cluj Napoca. We spent a total of three months to prepare our play, written and put piece by piece by us, with help from the famous Disney cartoons. The play was about three princesses who find themselves in a position to choose if they would like to have their own dreams fulfilled or…to keep struggling with a repetitive lifestyle in which they are controlled by high standards. We travelled swiftly and rented an apartment for a few days. In this time Cluj was thoroughly visited and the play was practised every day to be sure we do our best.

All of us were very excited and a little scared to be honest, maybe more than a little but we put our courage jacket on and gave the best performance on stage. Nothing could compare to the thrill of acting in front of so many people and the joy of doing what we truly love. Thanks to our devoted teacher all if this was possible. As girls, we had, of course, our fun laughing and joking during this “journey” and to our surprise we even got prizes! This experience helped us see what we can improve to our acting and gave us even more admiration towards it.

 All the other groups were amazing too and we definitely can’t wait to go next year and grow into something better, always. Hope you enjoyed hearing our story and we will see that you are soon going to receive another one, Team 12TREE from Grigore Moisil”

The Play from Dramaland Festival in Cluj:

A fragment from the 6th graders’ show:

Photo with the students from 9th A and 11th A at the Dramaland Festival

Photos from a show with the 6th graders

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