Deepening Democracy

Deepening Democracy

The publication „Gamification of Sustainable Development Goals -a guide for implementing Sustainable Development Goals in your school using gamification as a methodology” is just launched to bring awareness of the importance and urgency of debating the agenda of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at schools as an integral part of Education and showcase possible ways to provide a youth-friendly, interactive, outdoor and tech method: tips & tricks, georeference places, diverse types of tasks, all you need to create your own city game!
This publication is an Intellectual Output from the project “Deepening Democracy! – a strategy for improving the quality of democracy in the school context” coordinated by YUPI (Youth Union of People with Initiative), Portugal in collaboration with Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco (Portugal), Poland (EPI and Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace w Kielcach) and Romania (Asociatia Feedback PM-Brasov and Colegiul Na­tional de Informatica Grigore Moisil), and funded by the Erasmus + Education and Training program, through the Portuguese National Agency (2020-1-PT01-KA201-078829).

Please check all IO from this project in this drive, free of sharing:

Deepening democracy! is a strategy for improving the quality of democracy in school context” is a project of 24 months duration coordinated by YUPI organization in Famalicão, Portugal, in close partnership with other portuguese partners (Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco), Poland (EPI and IV Liceum Kielcach) and Romania (Asociatia feedback PM-Brasov and Colegiul National de Informatica Grigore Moisil), for a total number of 1700 young pupils and more then 140 youth workers and teachers in the 3 European countries involved (140 teachers and youth workers and over 60 students will have the chance to engage in international learning experiences). The partners are schools and non governmental organizations already experienced in working in close cooperation for a better integrated system of education for young people, combining formal and non formal learning.
„Deepening democracy!” aims at contributing to the recognition of the importance of cooperation between non formal and formal education with focus on 2 topics: 1) method of sociocracy for a more engaged decision-making in schools; 2) Sustainable development goals for a more sustainable strategy of the school.
These topics are channels on how to involve young pupils in activities supported by youth workers and teachers inside classrooms and schools, supported by exchanges, training courses and the development of 2 Intellectual Outputs to foster dissemination.
„Deepening Democracy” is co-funded by Erasmus + Education and Training by the Portuguese National Agency.

Proiectul European Erasmus Deepening Democracy în care Colegiul Național de Informatică este instituție parteneră a avut reuniunea finală de proiect în Kielce, Polonia, în 28-29 iulie.

La această reuniune de proiect au participat organizațiile partenere, și anume  Colegiul de Informatică Grigore Moisil din BraşovStowarzyszenie Edukacja przez Internet, Polonia Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco, Portugalia, și IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Kielcach, Polonia, Apis PM Feedback, Brașov,  și organizația coordonatoare YUPI, Youth Union of People With Initiative, Portugalia.

Proiectul European Deepening Democracy a adus Colegiului de Informatică oportunitatea de a desfășura activități interesante, dezbateri, ateliere de lucru, conferințe, treasure hunt,  precum și mobilități în Portugalia și Polonia, la care au participat elevi și profesori ai Colegiului.

Prin acest proiect, elevii și profesorii au dobândit abilități de comunicare, și de lucru în echipă, și au aprofundat valorile democrației și libertății de expresie.

Au fost abordate teme interesante, precum sociocrația și SDG’s, Sustainable Development Goals, bugetarea participativă și educația nonformală.

Considerăm că acest proiect a fost unul de succes care a dovedit deschiderea Colegiului nostru spre democrație și valorile acesteia.

Felicitări întregii echipe de proiect: director prof. Carmen Andrei, prof. Monica Schiller, prof. Raluca Iancău, prof. Laura Nițulescu, prof. Ramona Ancuța, prof. Dr.  Cristina Călin, prof. Cătălina Stoica, prof. Silvia Căbaș, prof. Alexandra Trandabur, prof. Constantin Goran. Coordonator proiect: prof. dr. Voinescu Laura-Teodora.

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